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Our action programs

        Fodep works primarily on the operation of the Saint-Alphonse Schools of Cité Soleil and Fourgy in Haiti.

   Financial contributions can also be directed towards different actions in favor of disadvantaged children in our neighborhoods.

     The priority, however, is the operation of the two schools , the payment of employee salaries and day-to-day operations.

       Several activities are also essential for the proper functioning of schools. Donors who are united in our actions will be able to participate in specific actions, such as:

  1. Collective sponsorship of students from Saint-Alphonse schools (priority)

  2. School cafeteria

  3. School health

  4. Teacher training

  5. Renovation of classrooms (paintings, furniture, etc.)

  6. Cultural activities

  7. Literacy

  8. Educational and IT materials

  9. Neighborhood cleanings

           Other actions may be proposed depending on the urgency of the moment.

          We invite you to participate in very important activities for Saint-Alphonse schools. When making donations, you can specify the type of donation (Sponsorship or Donation for a specific project), as well as the activity chosen, among the activities described below.

                You can also specify if you wish, the school is Cité Soleil, or Fourgy.

           We remind you that Sponsorships are a long-term action, a commitment to sponsor one of the actions described below, for a minimum of one year. You choose the amount of your sponsorship, from 10 USD or 10 euros / month, These sponsorships on a monthly basis, can be, at your choice, paid either monthly, or quarterly, or annually. Please specify your preferences, thank you.

             We also remind you that donations for a specific project can be made from a minimum of 15,000 gourdes, 300 Usd or 300 Euros.

Collective sponsorship of Saint-Alphonse schools

              The sponsorship of schools allows their operation either the payment of employees' salaries but also all regular operating expenses (maintenance, water, educational or administrative material, electricity, etc.)

            This participation can take the form of single or regular donations or in the form of monthly, quarterly or annual sponsorship. This sponsorship is a regular commitment that allows the establishment of an annual operating budget for the schools.

           We have actually three organizations, current funders, participating in the school budget. These are SOS ENFANTS, APAM and NIDDA. The current budget is in deficit and uncertain and does not correspond to the needs of efficient operations and our expectations in terms of education. We still need many sponsorships to help us cover all the expense items necessary for the optimal functioning of the two schools. This is an emergency also responding to the volatility of the country's exchange rates.

             We offer collective sponsorship of students from the two schools of Cité Soleil and Fourgy. It will nevertheless be possible to choose one of the two schools.

               Collective sponsorship is a long-term commitment (at least over one year) and allows all schools to operate without discriminating between students, which is the case with individual sponsorships. All students, without distinction, from kindergarten to the Baccalaureate will benefit from the good functioning of the schools thanks to these collective sponsorships.

            Sponsors will receive regular news from the schools two to three times a year. This news may be accompanied by photos, activity reports, collective letters or drawings.

          We have many programs for you that we want to set up. Each program requires specific funding and we invite you to participate as donors in these specific programs but essential to the development of students.

          Each of the programs can receive contributions in the form of regular sponsorships or more occasional donations.

             We invite you to read these different programs and perhaps one of them will seem more essential to you and deserves a boost from you.

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