For all donations or contributions, you are asked to complete this form.
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We ask you to fill out this second form for payment choices
For payments by credit card, you can click on this button
For more details
You will indicate your name, first name and e-mail
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Then the type and frequency of your donation : Contribution, one-time donation, sponsorship with frequency (month, quarter or year) or finally a donation for a specific project
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Then the details of the donations or the chosen destination of the donations: without preference, Cité Soleil or Fourgy
Destination: school, canteen, training, equipment, cultural activities, renovation or others
Or any other relevant details
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Finally, very important the currency in which you make your donation:
Gourdes, US dollars or Euros
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Then, you check your choice of the amount of the payment , respecting the type of payment and the chosen currency.
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For the contributions, we recall that they are 1,000 gourdes for Active Members , in Haiti, 2,000 gourdes or 40 Usd or 40 € for physical Members and 10,000 gourdes or 150 Usd or 150 € for legal persons.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
A big thank you to all for your choice
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