School cafeteria
The country's food situation is extremely serious. More than half of the Haitian population lives below the extreme poverty line, on less than US $ 2.40 per day. This is particularly true for the vast majority of the population in disadvantaged neighborhoods, including students in our schools who are severely food insecure.
Receiving a hot meal each school day is particularly essential to receive optimal learning for all of our students, from kindergarten to high school. No one can learn and spend a day studying and receiving instruction without this meal, which often will be the only one of the day.
The health and nutrition of students are essential for a quality education, which we advocate in Saint-Alphonse schools. Teachers also require having a meal at school to improve their teaching skills.
Currently, a canteen program is supported in part by SOS Enfants. This program is still very insufficient and only covers about two days a week. We would like to improve the quality and quantity of meals with more varieties. The premises, the equipment, the cookers are available.
Also, we need you to allow all these young students to have at least one hot meal a day and to be able to fully benefit from the learning provided at school.
The prices of food products are more and more expensive, the cost of a meal is now around 1 usd. For 20 days of class per month, it takes 20 usd per month to give a hot meal each day of class to a student.
To help our students, you can get involved in a sponsorship of which you choose the amount. This sponsorship will be in the same collective way and will allow all children to benefit from the canteen. It is thanks to your donations that we will be able to organize the canteen as many days as possible.