Our priorities
The priorities of FODEP are urgently educational actions, the very basis of development and change in the lives of Haitian families and are, in order of importance, the following:
1) Participate in the operation of Saint-Alphonse schools
Cité Soleil and Fourgy, by supporting salary and operating expenses, in addition to current donors.
This can be done in the form of one-off donations or sponsorships.
2) Support emergency programs, such as:
The functioning of the school canteen
Continuing education for teachers
The purchase of educational or administrative material
Carrying out cultural and leisure activities
School health
3) Participate in support programs for schools
Renovation of premises (painting, lessons, etc.)
Renovation and purchase of school or administrative furniture
Support for school and community health
Support for libraries
Support for certain pupils in great difficulty
Community cleaning
4) Participate in programs to set up
Micro credit program for parents of students
Literacy program (youth and adults)
Professional workshops
School gardens
IT workshop
Repair of electrical or water supply installations
Income-generating projects for better school autonomy
Support for street children
Actions for the respect of human rights and of children in particular
Actions for the dissemination of Haitian culture and cultural activities
Support for young people at university or professional level