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Education in Haiti

             Education is a fundamental human right, an essential and powerful tool for change and the basis for sustainable economic and social progress. It offers the power to escape poverty with better opportunities for the future of students and their families.

            Schools are at several levels in Haiti, some even speak of school apartheid. Public high schools, previously reserved for the best of the country, are now devalued because they have been democratized in recent years, serving a more marginalized environment.

            The lamentable working conditions and the often significant salary delays for public teachers leading to recurring strikes. The education of the pupils suffers from this and provokes regular protests in the streets ...

              Public schools represent about 20% and private schools 80% of schools in the country. Private or religious schools are at a very different level depending on the parents' means to pay the fees. Most of the small schools set up in working-class neighborhoods or remote areas of the province cannot provide quality education.

               The literacy rate in Haiti is one of the lowest in the world with around 76% at the primary level and 22% at the secondary level. 85% of teachers are not qualified for primary education. (the Nouvelliste of 1-10-20)

               Schooling encounters many problems such as the high cost of tuition fees, the lack of performance of teachers, their lack of motivation due to too low salaries, the lack of adequate materials, insecurity and unsanitary conditions in almost all neighborhoods. .

               The teachers, although with a lot of physical and intellectual work, are underpaid. Many, after spending a week on food and maintenance, have little to finish the month and wear frustrated faces every morning. No personal satisfaction either to ensure a peaceful retirement, with age coming.

               A few years ago, "barges", the state police, picked up children hanging out in the streets to hand them over to an institution for schooling. Currently, paradoxically, students are forced to demonstrate, sometimes with violence, to make themselves heard, to have teachers and have a valid education.

                A good education requires several essential points:


  • Qualified teachers in continuous training

  • A pleasant environment, in premises, furniture, equipment with an attractive courtyard and compliant sanitary facilities.

  • Programs and timetables adapted for all schools in the country.

  • An essential school canteen for better learning

  • Appropriate learning resources such as laboratory, computer room, tablets, internet, auditorium, etc ...

  • Extra-curricular, cultural and sports activities

  • A satisfactory safe and sanitary environment.

  • A psychological follow-up of the pupils.

  • Finally, efficiency and academic results.


           Many of these points are only respected by a tiny fraction of the schools. Only schools with significant resources can meet these criteria.

These poor teaching conditions are the cause of the many repetitions and “over-aged” pupils.


           Almost 40% of the most disadvantaged children and young people cannot go to school. These numbers keep increasing with increasing insecurity and impoverishment. Rural areas and working-class neighborhoods are particularly affected by these problems.

            The Covid 19 pandemic accentuates this inequality between students between the quality of education and the number of school days.

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